This is a complete guide to mastering Public Administration like Demi-God. This guide is both prescriptive and descriptive in nature i.e it has both what to do and how to do details.
How to study PubAd?
- Go chapter by chapter
- Refer to as many books as you like until you understand that particular chapter
- Write the summary of that chapter without referring to these books
- Edit the summary by referring to textbooks
- Attempt to solve the previous year’s question paper without referring
- Correct the answers with a reference book
- Rewrite the answers without referring to and repeat points 5 to 7 until conceptual clarity
- Teach that chapter without referring to using a separate rough sheet
- Find out what points you missed and where you are facing issues repeat 2 to 9 if necessary
- Do the same for all chapters
- Add current affairs to your mix
- Interlink paper 1 and paper 2 with added current affairs
- That’s it you have mastered Public Administration
Pro Tips
- For point 2 go in the following order
- Class Notes
- Aribam
- Chapter Specific Reference Book
- Source of current affairs is the daily reading of The Hindu, Explained section of Indian Express, Yojana and Kurushetra
- Extract case studies and quote them in two lines
- When you are doing paper 2 finish Polity, and Ethics simultaneously.
Art of Answer writing in Public Administration
- A good answer contains the following
- Case Studies
- Linkages between static and current topics
- Linkages between chapters
- Flow Chart and Diagram
- All the keywords should be mentioned and explained
- Tables and Comparative analysis
- All answers should have the above ingredients for a good score